lunes, 21 de enero de 2008

university career

i sit here listening to abba - dancing queen pondering my classes and why i would love to drop out of college again and pursing higher education on my own. To their credit some of my classes are cool. Interest groups is a small class with six of us which allows for my witty jokes and my attention needy questions. Also upcoming is a 20 page paper on a lobbying group of my choice. I am leaning towards the School of Americas aka WHINSEC aka foriegn policy death squads. (three minutes have passed and i am now listening to daft punk, 'around the world'. also great music for bench pressing. on a similar unrelated topic i have come to enjoy doing my workout to classical music. there's something to be said for frenzied violin playing) moving on.
But of more importance are my three other classes. Especially the one i have just come from. The lecture from literary works. To put it simply i would have walked out after ten minutes, but familiar with tricks from irrelevant proffessors they usually intice students to stay by giving an assignment or extra credit in the last five minutes of class. so instead i amused myself with world class poetry in order to contain myself. (Madonna - material girl will background the poem writing

he stands there, shiny head and little hair
reading, feeding
pre-written biases and lies
he need not look up, for we are too ugly to even cook up
with head down, he wishes he could cry

then he raises his voice and is gesturing
the manequin broken neck is lecturing!

Like Hamlet i am sentenced
with dagger in the heart, my brain has become smart,
i stagger home for repentance

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