lunes, 21 de enero de 2008

abortion law, anti choice

Now that i am no longer in colombia, i feel that i can't really call this blog ' Cassie Colombia' perhaps cassie after colombia. Or Cassie's views who was at one time in Colombia....

We come to different conclusions relating to the morality of abortion, ideas of conception, etc. This is an issue with so great a diversity of perspecitives I argue not to convince you about my values over abortion but rather that no other group or human or government should have the power to regulate the choice to have an abortion.
The idea that a government or a group's morality is greater and more important than that of a single individual is a dangerous road to take. That decisions based on the concensus of 1000 people is more rational than that of one. Not only are laws not made by concensus but rather traditionally from upperclass males. Those in power are not of the same proportion as the people they have power over.
Opression is opression is opression. I may not be muslim, black, Colombian, male, homosexual, disabled, etc. But opression is not one sided and the fight for autonomy and respect for one group cannot occur with out a fight for all. The right to privacy, the right to protest, the right to health care, education, to equality under the law, the right to live in peace, are all rights that clash with a government that begins intruding into the personal space and lives of its citizens. The right to an abortion is not a moral sanction for it, but simply a recognition that an institution is not designed to impose values. 'governments are the biggest violators of human rights'
Values are a complex and intricate system that when imposed on a large population create conflict. one may not agree with abortion, but what about female genital mutilation? How about the idea that adultery is punishable by death? Execution for using drugs? the neccesity to torture people for the security of a nation? To start a preemptive war? To not have the right to protest in the streets? To not to be allowed to worship a different God? These are all values that different men who are 'leaders' in their countries have used as tools for opression. And all of them are for patriotic reasons. Even if one believes that abortion is murder and murder should never be allowed, they must also recognize that there are those that believe that a mother's rights supercede that of her fetus. That the living are more important than the unborn. That a miscarriage is not second degree murder. That thousands of women and girls die every year in the name of 'pro life' agendas. That abortion is a personal, but difficult choice to be decided by a woman. And only one woman.

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