jueves, 10 de abril de 2008


perhaps i torture others because i write about nothing else.... but self control has never been one of my strong points. Lets set the stage. The book for the week was confessions of state violence. My research project is on the School of americas and how america teaches torture. So i consider myself somewhat 'tortured out' at the moment. after reading so many testimonies the constant theme that keeps coming up is the 'ticking time bomb' theory. it is the rationale of every nation that uses torture, every human that inflicts it (or half beast). But yet the ticking time bomb of saving a million lives and you MUST torture because you will get reliable information - and not only reliable but the information that you actually are seeking... and be able to distinguish it from all the other bullshit that was yelled out during the torture session because apparently you know what information you are looking for - because they know where the bomb is in the first place... well. it just doesn't happen. but it is used in every single case. it is ironic (or not) how similar argentina, chile, brazil, and south africa and now the United States all compare with eachother. ticking time bomb! patriotism! denial untill evidence proves otherwise. a few bad apples. and more importantly, humans in secret torture facilities. or not so secret. Guantanamo lives!
An amnesty international report on the U.S is quite extensive. Not only outside the United States, but within as well "More than 70 people died after being shocked with tasers (dart-firing electroshock weapons), bringing to more than 230 the number
of such deaths since 2001."
on a new and exciting sidenote - anyone interested in creating a digital identity and living it out in a digitalized world? then you can forego reality, cease to exist and waste your money all at the same time! (sim world does actually exist)
Another sidenote because i thought i was up to date on my conspiracy theories. But apparently this one has been around for sometime. a journalist came and presented her documentary in Missoula with overwheleming evidence that Pres. Reagan bargained with Iran before he was elected to not release the hostages. This would create such bad press for Jimmy Carter that people would be sick of him and vote Reagan in. In exchange he agreed to sell them weapons. So, weapons for hostages... not so much. And even worse is that apparently Oliver North is now a special correspondent for FOX. And it is not mentioned that he was convicted for lying to Congress about selling illegal weapons from Iran to fund the contras in Nicaragua. but he ended up six months in jail but was pardoned before he served. and This bastard is a special correspondent? how depressing. torturous... if you will...
and another sidenote... (how many do i get?) Q: what is the biggest taboo of the weightroom? A: dropping the bar on yourself while bench pressing! superwoman lifting powers not available for rent on the odd days of the month...

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